If you work as a professional content buyer for a TV or for any other kind of channel or screen, MediaBank is your platform. Discover a fast, safe and trustworthy way of buying TV and film rights.
Do you own the rights to any professional TV or film content ready to broadcast? MediaBank is a platform where you can reach out to worldwide buyers, sell your content and complement all your sales channels.
Your professional marketplace of TV and film rights
The content MarketPlace that you were looking for
Buy and sell TV and film rights. From any place in the world, 24/7 and 365 days a year
Automated dispatching of media files, in multiple formats, and ready to broadcast
Automated and online generation and signature of legally binding contracts across the globe
International showcase and powerful marketing tools to promote your content around the globe
Expert advice from a team specialised in international distribution and intellectual property
Storage and management in a safe environment on cloud of any kind of TV & film content
No One Will Save You Explained
The most recent Horror film on Hulu has almost no dialogue. How can we know for sure what happens? No one will save you has an explanation.
Entertainment TV shows triumphs in prime time
From America to Asia, viewers watch television in the evening to disconnect from their day to day lives through their favourite entertainment TV shows
4 distribution trends noticed in Cannes and Las Vegas
We just came back from MIPTV and NAB Show looking forward to telling you all the distribution trends.
Double down! MediaBank returns to NAB Show Las Vegas 2019
MediaBank comes back to the largest international event for media, entertainment and technology sectors, NAB Show 2019
Oh là là! MediaBank comes back to Cannes to participate in MIPTV 2019
MediaBank is getting back to the Palais des Festivals in Cannes to attend one of the most important events for the global content industry, MIPTV 2019.
In 2018 the latest technology takes shape in Madrid. MediaBank will attend BIT Audiovisual!
MediaBank will attend BIT AUDIOVISUAL to present the latest content on the platform including documentaries, feature films as well as animation series. Join the revolution of online content distribution!

We are an online global platform for the trade of professional TV and film rights that cover the whole content transaction process until its delivery to any channel or screen.
© 2024